Consulting Research Funding


Werner KlotzbücherDear Visitor,
welcome to the platform for my worldwide consulting activities on research funding and proposal writing.
As you will see below, I used to have a two-prong approach: (1) very practical in-house seminars for Graduate Schools
and (2) very much hands-on individual consulting by video conference up to the submission deadline.

Since the Covid-19 crisis I have cut back. Thus, for example, I limit my in-house seminars
  to German locations – but expanded my small-group seminars by video concerence.

As trained physicist and chemist I used to be a scientific coworker of the Max Planck Society - and as sideline advised on research funding topics. I was pretty good at this, and thus continued this line after my official retirement. Much to my surprise I discovered a niche - apparently no one else in the German consulting system offers the very practical palette of information and straight application assistance (which is quite different to the cost-free support by KoWi and the National Contact Points).

For some years I lectured for all kind of (German) organizations worldwide on funding opportunities, and coached scientists to successfully apply for grants from German, Israeli and European funding organizations - especially the Marie Curie and ERC Actions of the Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe programs of the European Commission. Here a recap of my portfolio - you find more details in my  Service List mailed upon request.


1.  A day-long seminar geared towards German Graduate Schools on  the wide variety of funding opportunities, starting at DAAD / DFG and passing through foundations, the Commission Framework  and NATO to the international possibilities (German or English, slides in English). Sample agenda upon request. 

2.  A one- or two day seminar for international young scientists on research funding opportunities, and the tricks and pitfalls to consider to be successful in their applications. These seminars are usually part of status meetings of funding agencies in Europe, Asia, Africa or South America - sometimes coupled with subsequent individual consulting. Sample agenda upon request.      

3.  A variable-time, but very much hands-on seminar for excellent scientists on the points to consider when applying for a Starting (StG),  Consolidator (CoG), Advanced (AdG) or Synergy Grant (SyG) of the European Research Council (ERC). Sample agenda upon request.

4.  A variable-time, but very much hands-on seminar on the points to consider when applying for any of the offers in the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA), particularly the Individual Fellowships (IF) and Innovative Training Networks (ITN). 

5.  A variable-time seminar preparing a group of scientists for the interview phase of ERC StG, CoG, AdG and SyG applications. This interview training is very personal, and resembles in parts the seminars offered in Germany by KoWi or the Max Planck Society.  


By e-mail and video conference (Zoom, Webex, Skype, Teams) I accompany an individual scientist as her/his personal "devil's advocate" during the process of improving an application to the ERC, the Marie Curie Program,  the German "Wissenschaftsrat" or the Israel Science Foundation.

For ERC applicants successfully passed to stage 2 this usually includes coaching for the all-important interview phase (including mock-interviews, etc.). More details upon request.

The research topics of my customers cover a wide range - from the natural sciences to clinical studies, political sciences and religious topics. In their interest I strive to design all our communications - be it webinars, pre-established SOPs, e-mail or video - to assure an outstanding level of quality. It is my aim and pride to offer thoughtful solutions, thus enabling my clients to be successful.

At a time when success requires far more than 90 out of 100 points, all of my clients appreciated the confidential and very critical personal pre-evaluation - at a very reasonable financial investment. If necessary, please contact me for testimonials.   


No one can guarantee success, but the success rate of my customers indicates a very efficient cooperation. I am delighted to be continuously recommended, particularly for my unique interview phase consulting.


For individual consulting I charge a very reasonable hourly academic rate (in 15 min units) retained in time sheets. Both sides can cancel the contract on short notice.   Please inquire about the fixed rates for national and international seminars.  


This is, and will remain, a fairly simple-structured site providing basic information: I have neither time nor interest to develop a very elaborate version - especially as most of my customers contact me because of word-of-mouth recommendations. 

You will find some information about myself and the support I offer for universities, "Fachhoch­schulen", independent research institutions and individual scientists in the attached (outdated) flyer. Please note that, in general, I tend not to consult for scientists in industry or commerce. 

If you have a particular question or need please do not hesitate to contact me at

      Thanks for your interest,

                                     Werner Klotzbücher

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       PS:  Eine deutsche Version dieser Webseite wird es nicht geben!